词目 一蹴而就
发音 yī cù ér jiù
释义 蹴:踏;就:成功。踏一步就成功。比喻事情轻而易举,一下子就成功。
出处 宋·苏洵《上田枢密书》:“天下之学者,孰不欲一蹴而造圣人之域。”
示例 从前所受,皆为大略,~于繁赜,毋乃不可!(清·吴趼人《痛史·原叙》)
most of the time ,we need cost more than hundred times for one thing,or need hundred days study for one hour exam,maybe the result will not as your estimate,that is the turth.not only you do hard for that ,but the other did more than you.so you could not do that only one time.
choice a number for one to ten ,make a idiom,if you like,you can input into the discuss.i will tell you the answer later.have a good time